ALL ABOUT ACCOUNTING : 42nd BLOG 💎 ACCOUNTING💎 ★ Accounting exercise and practices : Lesson : 4 [Part : 3] Hi friends 🙏 Today's discuss remaining part of summarizing changes in financial position So let's discuss .... ★ SUMMARIZING CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION : 🔥 THE LEDGER ACCOUNTS : A ledger accounts represent the accumulation of all information ℹ️ about changes in an asset, liability, equity, revenue or expense item in one palce. For example, a ledger account for the asset cash would record each cash disbursement the organization made in a period as well as all cash which was received by the organization. By recording all cash that goes into and out of the organization, the ledger account provides a record of how much cash the organization has at any given time. Each ledger acc...